Warhol from Ads to Books and Back Again

Record albums with Andy Warhol cover art is not all I have been collecting of this artist the past twenty or so years, also books and magazines designed, illustrated or published by Warhol. It’s time to take these out of the bookshelves and boxes, and […]


Elvis has never left the building

Now let’s throw some Elvises in the mix! The famous Silver Elvis paintings Andy Warhol has created in 1963 for Irving Blum’s Ferus Gallery in Los Angeles, have proven to be immensely popular for appropiation, and they still are. Also on record covers. I know, […]


Enzo Avitabile and his not so comfy chair

What makes writing this blog very rewarding, is when fellow collectors get in touch, and share their knowledge of local Warhol (or Warhol inspired) covers. Recently I got a message from Paolo Verda, an Italian architect, art and music lover, writer of prestigious books on […]